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Screaming Frog SEO Spider 7.2企业版-英文SEO站内优化工具及教程

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Screaming Frog SEO Spider 7.2企业版-英文SEO站内优化工具及教程

SEO站内分析优化工具Screaming Frog SEO Spider 7.2

1.英文SEO站内分析优化工具Screaming Frog SEO Spider v7.2企业版介绍

Screaming Frog SEO Spider v7.2企业版是一款价值99欧元/年的英文SEO站内优化工具.它的原理是从SEO的角度出发,模拟谷歌,必应等搜索引擎对网页进行抓取,同时分析网页的结构,内容等信息,然后给出详细的分析结果,并且提出有利于SEO的建议.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider v7.2企业版官方网站:http://www.screamingfrog.co.uk,有兴趣的童鞋可以去看下官方的说明,以下是官方的功能列表:

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool Reports On The Following

  1. Errors – Client & server errors (No responses, 4XX, 5XX)
  2. Redirects – (3XX, permanent or temporary)
  3. External Links – All followed links and their subsequent status codes
  4. URI Issues – Non ASCII characters, underscores, uppercase characters, dynamic uris, long over 115 characters
  5. Duplicate Pages – Hash value / MD5checksums lookup for pages with duplicate content
  6. Page Title – Missing, duplicate, over 65 characters, short, pixel width truncation, same as h1, or multiple
  7. Meta Description – Missing, duplicate, over 156 characters, short, pixel width truncation or multiple
  8. Meta Keywords – Mainly for reference as it’s only (barely) used by Yahoo.
  9. H1 – Missing, duplicate, over 70 characters, multiple
  10. H2 – Missing, duplicate, over 70 characters, multiple
  11. Meta Robots – Index, noindex, follow, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet, noodp, noydir etc
  12. Meta Refresh – Including target page and time delay
  13. Canonical link element & canonical HTTP headers
  14. X-Robots-Tag
  15. rel=“next” and rel=“prev”
  16. File Size
  17. Page Depth Level
  18. Inlinks – All pages linking to a URI
  19. Outlinks – All pages a URI links out to
  20. Anchor Text – All link text. Alt text from images with links
  21. Follow & Nofollow – At link level (true/false)
  22. Images – All URIs with the image link & all images from a given page. Images over 100kb, missing alt text, alt text over 100 characters
  23. User-Agent Switcher – Crawl as Googlebot, Bingbot, Yahoo! Slurp, mobile user-agents or your own custom UA.
  24. Redirect Chains – Discover redirect chains and loops.
  25. Custom Source Code Search – The spider allows you to find anything you want in the source code of a website! Whether that’s analytics code, specific text, or code etc. (Please note – This is not a data extraction or scraping feature yet.)
  26. XML Sitemap Generator – You can create a basic XML sitemap using the SEO spider.

It is a SEO auditing tool built by real SEOs.?Check out what?SEOs have said about the SEO Spider!


^ SEO站内分析优化工具Screaming Frog SEO Spider 7.2主界面

2.英文SEO站内分析优化工具Screaming Frog SEO Spider v7.2企业版安装和激活

SEO的会员在下载之后,直接运行Screaming Frog SEO Spider v7.2企业版.exe进行安装.安装完成之后,即可在开始菜单中点击快捷方式运行,或者是将快捷方式拖到桌面上.

打开软件之后,选择菜单中的License – Enter License Key,然后输入SEO好小孩提供的注册信息,即可激活完整版本的Screaming Frog SEO Spider v7.2企业版.


3.英文SEO站内分析优化工具Screaming Frog SEO Spider v7.2企业版使用

(1)选择Mode – Spider模式,并且输入你的主网址,点击Start

^ SEO站内分析优化工具Screaming Frog SEO Spider 7.2 Spider


^ SEO站内分析优化工具Screaming Frog SEO Spider 7.2 Directives

(3)如果通过查看,发现有些网站内容,比如网页关键词,网页标题,图像的ALT文本等有所缺少,或者是有些内容是404页面等情况,就可以采取相应的措施,对你的网站 适当的站内优化

^ SEO站内分析优化工具Screaming Frog SEO Spider 7.2 Images

(4)建立网站地图:如果你的网站还没有XML的网站地图,可以选择菜单Sitemaps – Create XML Sitemaps生成自动Sitemap

^ SEO站内分析优化工具Screaming Frog SEO Spider 7.2生成网站地图


(6)选择Mode – SERP模式,使用Select File导入之前导出抓取的文件

^ SEO站内分析优化工具Screaming Frog SEO Spider 7.2 SERP设置

(7)利用SERP中的工具,对网站可以进行的Search Engine优化进行分析

^ SEO站内分析优化工具Screaming Frog SEO Spider 7.2 SERP分析

4.下载Screaming Frog SEO Spider v7.2企业


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