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Instadub – Instagram全自动化运维工具高级版

Instagam辅助工具 pjgou 2866次浏览 已收录 0个评论

Instadub – Instagram全自动化运维工具高级版






  • Upload Images – 批量上传图片到Instagram账号中。
    Keep your Instagram account up to date with the Image uploading modules. Upload specified images, via RSS feed, via watch folder and more
  • Upload Videos – 批量上传视频到Instagram账号中。
    As video gets more popular thus InstaDUB is with you all the way. Upload videos, auto split, watermark and link your videos
  • Direct Messages / Share Image – 直接发送私信或者分享图片。
    Send messages direct to users with the option to share images with your DMs
  • Inbox Viewer – 抓取并显示收件箱信息。
    Scrape and view all inbox mesages received by your accounts. Auto accept pending messages and reply modules
  • Full Story Support – 全面支持Story功能。
    Post images as story, scrape story feel, watch / view stories, like / comment / repost stories
  • Repost Instagram Images & Videos- 转发/重发Instagram照片或者视频。
    Search for images and repost to your instagram account. Watermark images, add overlay text, tag and mention users with full token support
  • Auto User Tag / Auto User Mentions – 自动监控某个Tag下的用户。
    When posting images, tag users based on search. When posting images, automatically add @username mentions to your images
  • Reactions – 互动功能。
    Detect when users have reacted to your profile / images (followed you / liked your image / commented on your media) then react to them. Follow them back, like their media, send a DM and an all NEW shoutout module. Create an image based on the users avatar or a collage of their recent media, add custom captions, watermark, overlay text and tag / mention their followers or any other users!
  • Search And Follow Users / Unfollow – 通过搜索自动关注/取关用户。
    Search for users, community members, community contributors, authors of posts returned by search and follow them automatically. Following users is a great way to get followers as most users will follow you back. But better than this is getting users to follow you back who are interested in the same niche as yourself, so the Instagram bot from rootjazz allows you to find users to follow by searching keywords / hashtags and numerous scrape functionality
  • Search And Post Comments – 通过关键词搜索特定内容并且发表评论。
    Search for images and add comments automatically. Posting messages to a post is a great way to engage the user and to get them to check your profile / pages
  • Search And Like Images – 搜索并给图片点赞。
    Search for images, process all images for a user, search by hashtag, geolocation, images of followers, images of users who liked or commented and more. Instagram bot allows you to find images to Like by searching keywords / hashtags with the option to use advanced filters so you can find targeted images to like. Liking an images adds your profile URL to the post and is another way for users browsing Instagram to stumble across your profile. Full support for liking comments included
  • Full Accounts Support – 添加不限数量的账号。
    Run an unlimited number of accounts in instadub. No limits or hidden charges for extra accounts!
  • Run Unlimited Instances Of The Program On Your Machine – 应用多开。
    Each instances works from a separate database, allowing you to separate your concerns / niches / accounts anyway that suits your work flow
  • Avanced Compound Searches – 高级搜索。
    The results of one search feed into other searches drilling deep into the ISG userbase, always finding new items to action on
  • Instagram Scraper – 数据抓取
  • Advanced Search And Filtering Capability – 支持高级搜索和过滤
  • Import / Export – 导入导出信息
  • Database Storage – 数据保存在数据库中
  • Captcha API Support -支持自动打码,支持的服务包括:Death by Captcha、By Pass Captcha、Human Coder、Decaptcher



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