Email Extractor
Top Lead Extractor searches for email addresses. Due to the multithreading power of the software, the process runs quickly, and at the end of it, you are provided with a list of emails of potential clients.
Phone Extractor
Search phone numbers on specified sites, or search by keyword, selecting suitable sites in search engines.
Instant Contact Extractor
The software is capable of finding not only email addresses and phone numbers, but also data like Skype, ICQ, AIM, MSN Messenger, and Yahoo Messenger IDs. You don’t need any additional plugin for this.
Save Bandwidth and Time
To save bandwidth and your precious time “Top Lead Extractor” has an option “Don’t allow recrawling of already crawled pages in new searches”.
Auto-save and Recovery
Sometimes computer/software shut-downs unexpectedly; don’t worry you can recover your search results just by one click.
Internet Failure Detector
Top Lead Extractor automatically pauses/resumes on internet failure during processing.
Unicode Support
Top Lead Extractor support unicode contacts. You can also save fetched contacts in unicode format.
Customizeable Crawler
User can customize the crawler behaviour according to his needs.
Proxy Support
In case if any site or search engine block the IP, you can add proxy-settings.
Big Search Engine List
Top Lead Extractor support more than 66 search engines. You can search according to your country.
You can export in .xlsx files, .CSV files (Opens in EXCEL), TAB delimited (.txt files) format opens in NOTEPAD.